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for (var i = 0, len = audios.length; i < len; i++) { if (audios[i] != { audios[i].pause(); } } }, true); } function updateSource(audioID, containerId, currentAudioObj, uniqueId) { //By Ahmad Shraira $('.file_info').removeClass('activeactive'); $('#audioID' + audioID).addClass('activeactive'); var mainContainer = $(currentAudioObj).parent().parent().parent().parent(); $('.audio-player').each(function () { $(this).remove(); }); $('.audio-hm-sahrat').each(function () { $(this).hide(); }); $('.audio-dyof').each(function () { $(this).hide(); }); var playIcon = $(".jlsat_audio .play"); $(playIcon).parent().parent().find('audio').hide(); $(playIcon).parent().parent().find('.loadingIcon').hide(); $(playIcon).parent().show(); $(currentAudioObj).parent().hide(); $('.down').addClass('pl-down'); var audioSrc = audioID; if (uniqueId) { audioID = audioID + uniqueId; } var sahratDiv = $(currentAudioObj).parent().parent().find('.audio-hm-sahrat');; var dyofDiv = $(currentAudioObj).parent().parent().find('.audio-dyof');; var html = '
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$('#audioEQ' + audioID).addClass('equalizer-on'); $('#audio' + audioID).attr('load', 'true'); }; //call this to play the song right away; } function PlayAudio_concert() { $(".les_word").bind("click", function () { $(".les_word").parent().next().hide(); $(".les_word").parent().show(); $(this).parent().hide(); $(this).parent().next().show(); }); } function equalHeight(group, isLine) { var tallest = 0; group.each(function () { thisHeight = $(this).height(); //alert(thisHeight); if (thisHeight > tallest) { tallest = thisHeight; } }); group.height(tallest); } function UpdateMediaMostCount(audioId, counterType) { $.post("/content/updatemediamostcount", { id: audioId, type: counterType }, function () { return true; }); } function IntializeDropBox(x, y) { $(x).unbind(); stButtons.locateElements(); $(x).click(function () { // $(y).hide(); $(this).find(y).stop().slideToggle(); }) } function HideTab() { $('#programs_news').hide(); } function handleKeyPress(e, txtSearchId) { var key = e.keyCode || e.which; 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if (match && match[7].length == 11) { var VideoId = match[7]; $("#video").attr("src", "" + VideoId); } else { alert("incorrect URL"); } } } // loads more songs in the playlist detailed page function loadMoreSongs() { var Ids = $("#songs-ids").val() // get the ids of the songs from hidden input $.ajax({ url: "/GetSongsList", data: { resources: Ids, firstLoad: false }, success: function (result) { if (result != '') { $("#MyListAudios").append(result); toggleSelectedSongs(); $("#btnMoreAudios").hide(); BindAddToPlaylistAction(); } } }); } // Add songs to browser sessionStorage function addToPlaylist(audioId) { //if (!sessionStorage.PlaylistCount || parseInt(sessionStorage.PlaylistCount) < 19) { // Check if songs count is less than 20 if (!SongsExists(audioId)) {// check if song is duplicated if (sessionStorage.PlaylistName != "undefined" && sessionStorage.PlaylistName != '') { if (sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs) { var songs = sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs + ',' + audioId; // add song to playlist with comma } else { var songs = audioId; // add song to playlist as first item } if (sessionStorage.PlaylistCount) { // if not first item var count = parseInt(sessionStorage.PlaylistCount) + 1; // increment } else { count = 1; //initialize } } else { count = 0; } sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs = songs; sessionStorage.PlaylistCount = count; $(".playlist-count").html(count); if ($("#audio-ids")) { $("#audio-ids").val($("#audio-ids").val() + ',' + sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs) // add the new song to the hidden field } } //} //else { // alert('لقد اخترت العدد الاقصى المسموح به.'); //} } //Function to toggle Add to my playlist Icon if the song is already in playlist function toggleSelectedSongs() { if (sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs) { if (sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs != "" || sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs != ',') { $(".Add-ToMyList, .MostplayedAdd, .add, .add-list").each(function (i, v) { if (sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs.indexOf($(v).attr("data-song-id")) != -1) { $(v).find('.ico').attr("src", "/Content/images/addList_cr.png"); } }); } } } // This function will check if songs exits in sessionStorage function SongsExists(audioId) { var exists = true; if (!sessionStorage.PlaylistCount || sessionStorage.PlaylistSongs.indexOf(audioId) == -1) { exists = false } return exists; } function loadMoreShareYourVoice() { var start = $("#hdn-shareyourvoice-start").val(); // get current limit value from the page $('#show-more').addClass('form-loader'); $.ajax({ url: "/GetShareYourVoice", data: { start: start, limit: 8 }, success: function (result) { if (result != '') { $($("#user-talents")).append(result); $("#hdn-shareyourvoice-start").val(parseInt($("#hdn-shareyourvoice-start").val()) + 8); // increment the limit hdn field on the page var count = (result.match(/
    /g) || []).length if (count < 8) { $("#show-more").hide(); // hide loadmore button } $('#show-more').removeClass('form-loader'); } else { $("#show-more").hide(); } } }) } function getLiveStreamingLink() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); var link = ''; if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./) || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { link = ''; } return link; } function appendIframe() { if (window.self === { // if(!$('body').hasClass('body-iframe-parent')){ //if ($('frame[name="topframe"]').length == 0 && $('frame[name="bottomframe"]').length == 0) { //alert($('frame[name="topframe"]').length); //var fs = document.createElement('frameset'), var f1 = document.createElement('iframe'), iframe_container = document.createElement('div'), f_bottom = document.createElement('iframe'); //fs.frameBorder = 0; f1.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); f_bottom.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); iframe_container.className = "iframe-container"; = "topframe"; // f1.src = ''; f1.src = '' + location.href; //f1.src = '' + location.href + '?sawt=1'; //f1.src = '' + location.href; f1.marginwidth = "0"; f1.marginheight = "0"; f1.noresize = "noresize"; f1.scrolling = "auto"; = "Site_Iframe"; f1.setAttribute('width', '100%'); //f1.onloadeddata = loadtheurl(f1); = "bottomframe"; f_bottom.src = "/iframeLivestream?v=" + getLiveStreamingLink() + "&default=true"; f_bottom.marginwidth = "0"; f_bottom.marginheight = "0"; f_bottom.scrolling = "no"; f_bottom.frameborder = "0"; f_bottom.noresize = "noresize"; f_bottom.border = "0"; f_bottom.setAttribute('height', '75'); = "defult_iframe"; // iframe_container.appendChild(f1); if (window.innerWidth > 1024 && document.documentElement.clientWidth > 1024) { iframe_container.appendChild(f1); iframe_container.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;"); $("body").html(iframe_container); } else { f_bottom.className = "defult_iframe_mob"; $("body").append(iframe_container); } iframe_container.appendChild(f_bottom); $('.iframe-container html').addClass('html-iframe'); $("html").css('overflow', 'hidden'); } } function loadtheurl(x) { var jgeturl = decodeURI(location.href); window.history.replaceState("", "", x.src); } $(document).on('click', '#hide-play-list-popup', function () { $('.add-playlist-popoup').remove(); return false; }); function resizeIframe(obj) { = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; } function BindAddToPlaylistAction() { $('.Add-ToMyList').on("click", function () { //$(this).css('position', 'relative'); //$('.add-playlist-popoup').remove(); //$(this).append('
    '); var song_id = $(this).attr('data-song-id'); var parent = $(this); if (!sessionStorage.PlaylistName) { if ($(this).find('.add-playlist-popoup').length < 1) { $(this).css('position', 'relative'); $('.add-playlist-popoup').remove(); $(this).append('
    '); } $("#playlist-popup-btn").on("click", function () { if ($("#playlist-popup-name").val()) { sessionStorage.PlaylistName = $("#playlist-popup-name").val(); addToPlaylist(song_id); parent.find($('.ico')).attr("src", "/Content/images/addList_cr.png"); }; $('.add-playlist-popoup').remove(); return false; }); } if (typeof sessionStorage.PlaylistName != "undefined" && sessionStorage.PlaylistName != '') { addToPlaylist(song_id); $(this).find($('.ico')).attr("src", "/Content/images/addList_cr.png"); } }); } function LoadCaptcha() { $.ajax( { type: "Get", cache: false, url: "/CaptchaImage/ShowImageCaptcha", success: function (data) { $("#CaptchId").html(data); }, error: function (err) { } }); } function validateCapchaImage() { var isValid = false; $(".newCaptchaContiner").find(".error_v").fadeOut(); var hdnCode = $('#hdnCode').val(); var txtSubmittedCode = $("#txtSubmittedCode").val(); $.ajax({ url: '/CaptchaImage/Captcha/ValidateCaptchaImage', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify([hdnCode, txtSubmittedCode]), async: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", success: function (data) { if (data == "match") {//the capcha is valid isValid = true; } else { $(".newCaptchaContiner").find(".error_v").text("الرجاء إدخال الحروف الصحيحة"); $(".newCaptchaContiner").find(".error_v").fadeIn(); LoadCaptcha(); isValid = false; } }, error: function (err) { } }); return isValid; }